" NOUN/NTI materials download procedure

© Shegnet Konsult 2020

Please, do not hesitate to contact us through whatsapp, email (seen at the bottom of each page) and our contact us page if you have issues at any point of downloading course material summary on this website

GOODNEWS, You can now pay online and download your desired course summary straightaway by choosing "PAY AND DOWNLOAD OPTION" on the downloadable course summary page

Shegnet Konsult offer National Open University and National Teachers' Institute (NCE/degree) students summaries of course materials that can be downloaded as guidelines to assist you during your study. However, downloading course material summaries from this website infer that you agree to our terms and conditions to usage of course summary hand outs that you downloaded.

Upon your agreement, you can verify whether we have summary of course material you wish to download by making a search of our database.

Upon verification of availability of NOUN/NTI course material summary(ies) you wish to download, work into any branch of banks listed below and pay non-refundable fee of:

      N1000.00 each per access code to download each lecture notes summary material/file

This fee is to be paid into our bank account through teller deposit, online banking transfer, USSD code or any other means provided you have means of verification (e.g. snapshot of transaction). Also note that you can make online payment through our secure Paystack platform





ACCOUNT NUMBER : 2059217860



ACCOUNT NUMBER : 0049601131

After making your payment, CONTACT US via whatsapp with details of payment including phone number and email, alternatively upload your teller or snapshot of transaction(e.g. printed version of transfer details) of your payment through our teller details section. Upon verification of your payment, your access code(s) will be sent to you within 24 hours. This/These code(s) is/are to be used to select select and download your desired course summary file(s).

You can also purchase access code through our secure Pay stack Platform. Afterward send your phone number, email and amount paid to: shegnetkonsult@gmail.com

Buy Access Code now

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